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Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

ग्राम पंचायत में अन्ना जानवरों की भरमार

 अपनी खिचड़ी अलग पकाना यह लोकोक्ति मुहावरा तो आपने शायद सुना ही होगा जिस जिसका अर्थ होता है अपनी मनमानी करना….. 

इसी मुहावरे से मिलता जुलता कार्य महोबा जनपद के विकासखंड जैतपुर के अंतर्गत आने वाले ग्राम पंचायत रजपुरा का है जहां पर ग्राम पंचायत प्रतिनिधि अपने पंचायत में विकास कार्यों की देख ले किस प्रकार करते हैं की पंचायत ब्लॉक के सर्वश्रेष्ठ पंचायत में अग्रणी है…. 

इस ग्राम पंचायत में अन्ना जानवरों की भरमार है जहां पर मवेशी ग्रामीण किसानों के खेतों की फसलों को नष्ट भ्रष्ट करने पर उतारू हैं इस ग्राम पंचायत में गौशाला का इस प्रकार निर्माण कराया गया कि जिस का प्रमुख द्वार (मेन गेट) टूट कर गिर गया लाखों रुपए की हेराफेरी की गई. … 

ग्राम पंचायत प्रतिनिधि से संपर्क करने पर पता चला कि यहां पर गौशाला के निर्माण हेतु कोई भी सहायता राशि प्राप्त नहीं होती बल्कि ग्रामीणों ने आरोप लगाया के प्रधान अपने निजी कार्य में उस धनराशि का उपयोग कर दुरुपयोग कर रहा है और विकास कार्यों को अनदेखा कर रहा है…

ग्राम पंचायत प्रतिनिधि ने गौशाला प्रबंधन से ₹100000 और भूसा घर निर्माण के डेढ़ लाख रुपए चरवाहे का मानदेय आदि दर्शा करके लाखों रुपए की हेराफेरी की जबकि मौका ए वारदात पर मुआयना करने पर यह पता चला कि वहां पर ना तो पेयजल की व्यवस्था है ना ही प्रमुख द्वार ठीक है ना ही भूसा घर है…. 

इन सभी कार्यों में विकासखंड के आला अधिकारी भी सम्मिलित हैं जो बिना जांच-पड़ताल के ही लाखों रुपए की हेराफेरी करने में लगे हैं जिसमें संयुक्त रूप से ग्राम विकास अधिकारी ग्राम प्रधान आदि मिल बांट कर के सबका साथ और सबका विकास नारा प्रचलित कर रहे हैं

People and governments from around the world criticise Taliban after seeing all of these happen. And they were quite vocal with the criticism.  But there were three countries that recognized Taliban as a legitimate Government then. 

The three countries were: Pakistan,Saudi Arabia and the UAE. In the late 1990s, some Mujahideen forces try to fight the Taliban. These are known as the Northern Alliance. Ahmad Shah Massoud was their head. But in 2001, the Northern Alliance loses this fight. And Ahmad Shah Massoud gets killed as well. Only 2 days after it happened, a terrorist group Al Qaeda, conducts the 9/11 attacks in the USA. An attack that changed the entire world. 

The leader of Al Qaeda at the time was a Saudi terrorist, Osama bin Laden.  Taliban helps to shelter Osama bin Laden. Giving him safe harbour in their country. Osama bin Laden writes a letter to America in which he writes that the 9/11 attacks were a revenge for what America was doing in countries like Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan. 

He gives a justification by saying that America was committing war crimes against Muslims in those countries. So they took revenge against America by carrying out the 9/11 attacks. It makes America want to take revenge for the 9/11 attacks. So America sends its forces to Afghanistan. America then conducts airstrikes on Afghanistan at places where they think terrorist groups are hiding. But obviously, if airstrikes are conducted, then some civilians would also get killed. 

It wouldn’t happen that when bombs would be dropped and only the terrorists would die. So civilians are also killed in it. But with the support of the Mujahideen’s Northern Alliance, by December 2001, Taliban is totally pushed back by the USA. Ahmad Shah Massoud’s aid Hamid Karzai becomes the new President of Afghanistan’s interim government. 

In 2004, a new Constitution is adopted in Afghanistan yet again. Elections take place. And more than 6,000,000 Afghans vote in this election. Karzai wins this election and becomes the new President of Afghanistan. He establishes some good relations with India. Afghanistan and India’s relations became quite strong at this time. On the other hand, the USA conducts bombings and airstrikes in Pakistan. To eliminate the hideouts of Taliban there. In 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed by the US forces. In 2015 it is found that Mullah Omar, the first and original leader of Taliban, had died in 2013 due to an illness. During all this, the US had dispatched its army to Afghanistan to maintain peace. And to keep Taliban in check.

 Additionally, as a support to the new democratic government in Afghanistan. But even after years, Taliban is still not wiped out. The group keeps popping up at different places. In different areas of Afghanistan and neighbouring countries, Taliban conducts shootouts and bombings. In which hundreds of civilians are killed. In February 2020, while Donald Trump was the President of the USA, shockingly, he starts peace talks with the Taliban. Meaning that the US government starts a dialogue with the Taliban. 

They say that if Taliban cuts off its relations with terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, then America will withdraw its forces. And America will leave Afghanistan. Because the American forces in Afghanistan required a lot of funding. As I said, more than $2 Trillion were spent. And Americans were against it too. The Americans questioned why they were fighting a war that wasn’t theirs. 

They were in a country for 20 years where their people, their soldiers were getting killed and they weren’t even getting anything from it. In 2021, Taliban is the most powerful it had ever been. More than 85,000 fighters are fighting for Taliban. Now, when Joe Biden is the President of America, he continues with Donald Trump’s policy and decides to withdraw the American troops from Afghanistan. Especially before the 20th Anniversary of 9/11. America says that it’s not their concern. 

They’d get their troops out of the place. Many people say that if the purpose of America for staying in Afghanistan was revenge, then even after Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011, why did America let its troops be in Afghanistan then? Why didn’t they withdraw their army then? On the other hand, if America’s purpose of staying in Afghanistan was to make Afghanistan a democratic country, and to end Taliban, then that purpose hasn’t been accomplished even a bit. America has completed failed in this aspect. Because Taliban is in power again and is at its strongest right now. Joe Biden says that though he doesn’t trust the Taliban, but the 300,000 soldiers of the Afghanistan army, can easily counter 85,000 Talibani fighters.

 “Do I trust the Taliban? No. But I trust the capacity of the Afghan military. You have the Afghan troops at 300,000. Well equipped. As well equipped as any army in the world. And an airforce. Against something like 75,000 Taliban.” But the ground reality isn’t so. As I said, nowadays, it’s being said that 90% of the borders of Afghanistan is under Taliban’s control. And Afghanistan’s government may be overthrown. Here, some experts opine that India should also intervene. 

That the Indian Army should go to support the Afghan army in the fight against Taliban. But here, the same question arises again, Is this a fight for the Indians? Should Indians go and interfere there? Will it make any sense? What do you think? Comment below to let me know. If the Taliban rule returns to Afghanistan then it will be terrible for India. Not only will the India-Afghanistan relations end, but also the $3 billion that India has invested in Afghanistan all those projects will be stalled. 

And later, the threat of terrorist attacks may also arise. What lesson do you get from this whole story? Write in the comments below. In my opinion, this is a lesson in Unity in Diversity. If we intend to fight amongst ourselves, we can make thousands of excuses, different ethnicities, different ideologies, communism or a different religion, but if we want to have peace in the truest sense if we want to live peacefully in the world, Then we’d have to learn to accept each other. And promote tolerance and unity

दिनेश राजपूत THE MAHOBA न्यूज़ तहसील संवाददाता कुलपहाड़ महोबा उत्तर प्रदेश मो0 9005967662

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