एतिहासिक परंपराओं को मानते हुये कमलखेड़ा मे निकले जवारे

एतिहासिक परंपराओं को मानते हुये कमलखेड़ा मे निकले जवारे

कमलखेड़ा, महोबा। हर वर्ष की भाती एतिहासिक परंपराओं को मानते हुये सावन के महीने में कमल खेड़ा मे जवारे निकाले गयेे।

महोबा जिला के कमलखेडा गांव में हर वर्ष की भाती इस वर्ष भी  एतिहासिक परंपराओं को मानते हुये सावन के महीने में कमल खेड़ा मे जवारे निकाले गये। जिसमे गांव के सभी मंदिरों मे पूजा अर्चना के बाद मंदिर से गाजे-बाजे के साथ जावरो को तालाब में विसर्जन किया। जिसमे सभी गांव वासियों का भरपूर सहयोग मिला। सभी के सहयोग से ही यह प्रथा हर वर्ष मनाई जाती हैं जिसमे गांव के सभी मंदिरों से जवारे ले कर तालाब में विसर्जन के लिए निकाले जाते हैं। जवानों को छोटी-छोटी कन्याओं ने वा मातायो ने अपने सर पर उठाकर गांव भ्रमण किया और इस यात्रा को सफल बनाया।

इस मौके पर कमलखेडा गांव के राजा भैया कुशवाहा (65) का कहना है कि प्रत्येक वर्ष सावन के महीने में शुरुआत में जवानों की बुवाई की जाती है तथा सावन के महीने के अंतिम दिन जवारे निकाले जाते है। जिनको सभी गांव वालों के सहयोग से तालाब में विसर्जित किया जाता है। 

इस मौके पर गांव के प्रमोद कुमार कुशवाहा, भूपेंद्र कुशवाहा, नरेंद्र कुशवाहा, बबलू, शिवपाल वर्मा आदि लोग मौजूद रहे।

ये भी पढ़ें…

मछली पालन का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करते हैं।

लड़कियां इतने टाइट कपड़े कैसे पहन लेती हैं। 

          खबर महोबा में

दिनेश राजपूत प्रधान संपादक महोबा उत्तर प्रदेश मो0 9005967662

Artical अंधभक्ति vs विज्ञान

If someone tells you about some Theory on a well known claim then how can find out how true it is It’s going to be most useful for the health related topics. Consider someone telling you to drink something as it is beneficial in so and so ways. Don’t eat this, it can lead to so and so harm.

 So how can you tell how much true is that using scientific proves. You can understand this video as a sequel to my Gau Mutra Video because even I have used the same techniques to know the facts for that video. and now I would like to teach you the same techniques. 

 Friends, Internet is an amazing thing. One the one hand it has so much knowledge and information available that you can even learn to make the space rocket. on the other hand it has so much misinformation that you even get fooled by the nonsense like flat earth theory. The people who believes that our earth is not round but flat. 

These two are the most extreme examples but most of the lies in the center and it’s difficult to recognise what is the truth and what’s fake. First I will tell you the 5 Most important things which you need to keep in mind while reading any information on the internet. before reading any claim. First thing is friends, the Agenda. 

If someone is selling you anything then it’s a big warning sign. Maybe it’snot the 100% lie but if someone is selling you something then the chances are so that they may elaborate the advantages of the product to a great extent by exaggerating it. This thing you can see the most in the weight loss supplements, hair loss products and in the things like cow’s urine. so here you have to keep in mind to separate their personal opinions from the scientific facts. 

Second thing is the source of information. Anyone can create their websites and blogs to write anything on the internet. We have to look for the source given for any big claim made on the website. Source should talk about the scientific research which has proved that such thing results in the weight loss and our product has this ingredient.

 our just for the name sake they have mentioned that our product is able to do so and so things and you should believe because we have written it. If it’s so then it shouldn’t be believed on, not at all! If they have mentioned the source of their big claim then it can be looked forward on. Third things Friends are Anecdotes. 

Anecdotes are people’s personal experience.what is you personal experience had to say about anything. Imagine if someone tell you tomorrow that I had constipation since the last 5 years. I had tried everything and it wasn’t getting cured. 

Then babaji told me that every morning drink this lime water from Cocacola and with that eat cauliflower special fritters and I started having this and within a month all my constipation problem got vanished. 

So even you do it, it will cure yours too. Friends this is a very exaggerated example, whenever someone gives you an anecdote to fool you then it will be very believable. because personal experience is just a personal experience. It’s not an evidence for anything. It can be possible that the anecdote is true but we still don’t have sufficient proof for this. don’t believe on a product based on just the personal experiences. 

don’t believe on any information. Fourth thing is Appeal to Authority We have to understand this friends that experts are very important. qualification actually brings a lot of difference. Imagine you need a medical advice. On the one hand a normal person is advising you and on the other hand a doctor so obviously you will trust the doctor and you should because the doctor has more experience, he has studies in the same field so obviously he’ll know better. 

The very good example of this is Dr. Subramaniam Swamy He has amazing qualifications. He’s done PhD from Harvard, he’s a doctor, he has been an assistant professor, he is also an economist. But if you are going to listen to his statements and opinions then they are so illogical and nonsense that even you will wonder what is it! See, he has told in 2017 1$ will become 1rupee he stated that in 2018 India will overtake China so this shows that we can’t believe on just one expert. 

Experts opinion can also vary a lot. So what is the solution for this? The solution here is scientific consensus. Which is the 5th thing I would like to tell you about. Instead of just an expert if we take the opinion of many experts in a group and know their views then it will be a very good way to find the truth. This is done friends and this thing is called as Scientific consensus. 

For example the scientific consensus on Global warming and climate change is 97% that means 97% of scientist worldwide believe that global warming and climate change is happening and it’s due to the people. Now just like these 3% people you will always find some percentage of people who are like Subramanium Swamyji those who won’t believe here. So I would say that if there’s a consensus more than 80-90% in anything then it can be believed that it can be true.

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